There have been a couple of false starts in publishing the Christmas special Code Club project, Christmas Capers, this year. Since I am planning to use it at my last Code Club of this term, which is on Tuesday (much to the disappointment of my ‘Codeclubbers’), I have been keen to get it tested. Unfortunately, although the course notes were circulated, the resources haven’t quite made it yet, so I decided to see what I could do.
First thing I noted, having gone through my past emails, was that it was used last year as well (unfortunately I don’t seem to have a copy). The link on the original Code Club blog is no longer working sadly, however there was hope that resources would be out there somewhere. After a bit of searching I found a copy on the Scratch website that someone had uploaded, so I grabbed the resources from that and tested it so I was sure everything was there. I had a slight issue with the Jingle_Bells.mp3 file not being a supported format, but this seems to be down to something missing on my netbook as all is fine under both Windows 7 and Ubuntu Linux on my main machine.
So, for anyone looking for the resources, they are here in a full package including a copy of the project and course notes.
Keep up the good work fellow Code Club volunteers, and if anyone would like to pop along and encourage my Code Club recruits to blog a bit more, we are here. As a school governor with an interest in literacy as well as computing I’m trying to make it a bit cross curricular 😉
Oh, and if there is anyone in the Portsmouth and surrounding area interested in meeting up, I’m hoping to get my act together and do something in the new year. Do get in touch.