OK, so this is my first blog entry. I’ve just thrown together a very quick Blosxom based weblog system. It looks quite nice and suits my way of thinking, and should even integrate very nicely with the other scripts I am using and hope to develop 🙂
All things being well I should add a few entries here once in a while, although past records may well indicate that it will die a horrible death due to neglect 😮
So why did I choose Blosxom? Well there’s a couple of initial reasons. I first came across it whilst reading another blog from a fellow HantsLUG member Jonathan Hudson. I was basically trawling around the HantsLUG Planet (a syndication of RSS weblog feeds) to see what others were using. Jonathan’s was running on PyBlosxom, which had a reference to being a Python port of Blosxom. On investigating Blosxom I found it was written in Perl, so immediately had a tick in the desirability box (I quite like Perl myself). When it turned out to be a single CGI, very easy to install and configure and very, very much along the lines of my thinking with my own Perl scripts for wrapping templates around my other sites the decision was pretty much made 🙂
Adding entries is simply a matter of creating a new text file in the data directory, and since this can be done quickly and easily using SSH and VIM I was definitely sold. Now all I need to do is take a look around the ‘flavours’ so I can customise the look of the pages and I’ll be away. I think I’ll have to save that for another day now though 🙁
Right, last thing done for today and that’s to change the redirect on the Linuxlore index to direct to this weblog – I think this is as good a home as any for now, particularly as my Linuxlore domain has been kicking its heels for a good 5 years now!